Our Mission & Objectives

ED Awareness & Preventative Health

Increased Preventative Health Through Action Research

Our Mission & Objectives

The purpose, mission, and vision of Collaborative Eating Disorder Awareness Association are to advance education by undertaking activities that enhance preventative health awareness and support; and eating disorder awareness and support.
This is done through the following activities:

  • Providing seminars, workshops, and presentations to the general public on topics such as exercise, nutrition, eating disorders, and topics associated with psychiatric illnesses and general ailments in order to promote preventative health methodology in Canada;
  • Creating and distributing educational materials such as brochures, resource packages, and presentations for healthcare professionals, educators, or other specific groups on topics relating to nutrition, exercise, eating disorders, and topics associated with psychiatric illnesses and general ailments;
  • Offering exercise classes, support group sessions, peer support sessions, and similar program offerings that are trauma-sensitive based;
  • Providing interdisciplinary and collaborative community-based research offerings for Canadian-based post-secondary students;
  • Creating and publish ethically conducted research based on topics such as exercise, nutrition, eating disorders, and topics associated with psychiatric illnesses or general ailments for the use and development of bringing further learning to the Canadian public, healthcare professionals, educators, and other specific groups;
  • Promoting the dissemination of ethically conducted research based on topics such as exercise, nutrition, eating disorders, and topics associated with psychiatric illnesses or general ailments to the Canadian public;
  • Offering community-based entrepreneurship programs, which further enhance the ability to bring further learning and integration if innovation toward the topics associated with psychiatric illnesses and general ailments to educators, healthcare professionals, our emerging workforce, and the Canadian public.

In addition to these activities, we continue to undertake activities ancillary and incidental to the attainment of the advancement of education.

What is Preventative Health?

Preventative Health can be defined as an interdisciplinary approach meant to foster creativity, innovation, and proactive relating to any health practices. Preventative health can be done individually, through friend groups, through organizations, through student associations, through charities, through health professionals, through policy, through public health, and more.

Eating Disorder Awareness

Eating Disorders can extend to awareness, support, and research toward food intake differences, disordered eating tendencies/habits, and factors that affect eating, such as depression, stress, or anxiety. These are all things that can fall under the umbrella of eating, and thus, require awareness of.